Ready to thrive?

Get clarity and support with the Functional Spirituality Course.

By now we know that our society is disregulated. 

Out of balance. 

We seek more naturalness and ease. 

When we don't have a clear path, self-doubt and hopelessness weigh us down.

The stakes are higher than ever. Without a clear map, community and mentors, we spiral downward into physical and emotional troubles.

There is a way to master our journey and thrive in daily life.

It is your birthright to live in naturalness and balance. 

You deserve support, community and a radiant life.

The Functional Spirituality Method presents a map that teaches you 3 clear categories:

1. Resolving unnecessary suffering and complex trauma

2. Cultivating positive habits, qualities and energy

3. Awakening to deeper layers of our true nature: aware-Being

The Functional Spirituality Course

The first study program of its kind.

A yoga, meditation and self-enquiry program for you to study and embody The Functional Spirituality 3 part method.

Follow Ava, step-by-step, to learn the tools and trainings behind the Functional Spirituality method and how to integrate it into your daily life.

The information is clear and powerful, transforming the way you see and experience your life.

Designed for simplicity, results and a-ha moments.

With weekly reminders, a progress tracker and the additional accountability of a Facebook group and a 1:1 mentor, we will support you to move through this life-changing study program.

When we study meaningful maps, our behaviours are reorganised and opportunities are optimised.

With TFSC, you can cultivate powerful habits for success, stability and peace. 

With the right support, intention and love you can succeed.

In this course, you can study the 3 part method at your own pace, with optional support and accountability from a mentor when you need it.

Watch Intro Video

Watch this video where Ava talks about

The Functional Spirituality Course and the difference between the TFSC and The Functional Spirituality Mentorship

Learn and grow into the best version of yourself

Find naturalness and ease with your unique spiritual path.

The Functional Spirituality Course gives you instruction on yoga, meditation, and lifestyle tools that you cannot find anywhere else.

 These tools will create the momentum you need to create the changes you are ready for.

Your steps:

1. Listen to Free trainings with Ava to see if it resonates

2. Schedule a free strategy call with Ava to bring clarity to next steps

3. Commit to your growth and sign up to a suitable course

3 Part Method of Functional Spirituality

Healing: Resolving complex trauma and patterns that lead us to repeat experiences that cause suffering.

Expression: Cultivating values of spirit, optimal living, and connection to purpose.

Mystical Self-Enquiry: Awakening to the Truth of "I am" and integrating that potent presence into life.

The Functional Spirituality Course

Your 6 month membership includes a bundle of the following

  • A step-by-step course in the Functional Spirituality Method

  • A 21 day Start Meditation journey: set up and refining the perfect meditation practice

  • A living library of trainings that get added to based on your Q&A's and requests

  • 6 Month access to the Resource Library (a vault of yoga, meditation and embodiment classes with Ava + bonus trainings on topics like boundaries and money)

  • Optional: Access to weekly live-stream yoga with Ava

  • Optional: Your very own support mentor who has trained with Ava for minimum 1 year

  • Optional: Life-time access to a Facebook Group community for discussions and Q&A with Ava

  • A clear map, powerful teachings and the transformation you've been searching for

Ava Irani, Your Teacher

Founder of Spanda School & Functional Spirituality

Ava’s yoga journey started in 2008 when she tasted her first savasana at the end of a 90 minute hot yoga class in Sydney, Australia. She was hooked, and became part of the furniture at the local studio while studying communications and philosophy at the University of Sydney.

In 2011 she completed her first 500hour yoga teacher training, along with her very first 10 day silent meditation retreat. From there, her spiritual journey became a full-time career as she lived and studied abroad at the Hridaya yoga centre in Mexico and Agama in Thailand.

After over 2000 hours of yoga teacher training, retreats and study programs, she opened her studio Spanda School, Fremantle, Australia in 2016. Spanda School is the home of an open-hearted community of 100’s of yogis across W.A. who call the urban sanctuary a second home.

In 2020, she launched her online school and podcast called ‘Functional Spirituality’, aimed at integrating profound yogic experience into daily life.

She lives in White Gum Valley near Fremantle with her Fiancé Jarred of Kommunity Brew, and their pet Honey.

To learn more about Ava, listen to episode #33 on the Functional Spirituality podcast (A little more about me).


Meg Packer

Through attending The Functional Spirituality Course, I have gained so much confidence within myself and my ability to take the steps needed to achieve any goals I give myself. I’ve benefited so much from the conscious conversations with my peers. I live in small rural town, so having the opportunity to have real genuine discussions with like minded people has filled me with so much joy and purpose. Attending this program has not only opened doors for me as a small business owner, but also provided the steps and coaching to step through those doors and navigate an ever changing landscape.

Beau Wilson

I have attended two 4 day silent retreats with Ava. I thoroughly enjoyed each and every peaceful moment. The location was stunning, cosy and uplifting. The food absolutely mouthwatering and nurturing. But Ava’s guidance and spiritual wisdom is what made a significantly transformational impact on my experience. I returned home feeling freshly rejuvenated and inspired. I am forever grateful for these experiences and for Ava’s calm confidence and loving energy. Please do not hesitate to experience it for yourself if you too feel called.

Aahana Wellness

I recently completed the Meditation Teacher Training at Spanda and cannot recommend it more highly to anyone wishing to undertake such training. I had travelled to India 12 months prior seeking traditional knowledge of meditation and yoga… little did I know that such an amazing yoga school was on my doorstep in Perth!! I finished the course with a thorough understanding of meditation in its traditional sense, and with a thorough understanding and confidence on how to effectively guide individuals into meditation. I give my thanks to Ava for creating such a course & sharing her knowledge with the community. Ava is a truly amazing teacher who is genuine in heart and truthful in integrity – and Spanda Yoga School is a reflection of this. Spanda is the most grounded and authentic yoga school I have attended in Perth and it’s beautiful community of heart centred members is a testament to this. We are very blessed to have Spanda and such authentic teachings available to us. Love, light & happiness to all.


Joining the program is one of the best decisions I ever made. Thanks for the ongoing loving support! So good to have you (and the team) by my side. This journey has been so valuable for me. I feel that I'm stronger and better equipped to hold myself when I'm feeling low.

Listen to the podcast to gain insights into Ava's teachings


  • Is this course for me?

    You are welcome to book a call to begin with to ask any questions and help us decide together if this is the right program for you.

  • What happens first?

    Upon signing up, you will be given access to our online platform. If you would like a support mentor, you will start with a questionnaire and an opportunity to reflect and connect with your deeper motivations.

    The journey is not meant to be perfect, but its meant to be walked, with community, and now is the time to start.

  • What is included?

    This program offers both study and practical components. You will receive access to a vault of yoga classes, workshops, study units and guided meditations. On-going conversations happen in the private Facebook group, where you have access to your mentors and teachers as well as the community.

  • How can I purchase?

    Use your credit card to choose a 6 month payment plan or pay in full option.. On the monthly payment plan, your card will be debited once per month. Bank deposits are possible for pay in full option.

    Once you pay you have access across any and all devices you own for the membership period. Any files that are downloadable are yours to keep as well. Should any payments fail and not be reinstated within 24 hours, then your account will be paused and you will be contacted. The regular payments must be completed for the full access as per the 6 month plan.

  • I am so interested in this offering, but I cannot afford it at this time. Is there anyway for me to join?

    We do have options available for unemployed or low-income earners. Please get in touch if this is your circumstance. Please note that if you are usually a mid-high income earner and are in between jobs, this option is for those who genuinely cannot afford it, and there are limited scholarship places. Contact us at [email protected]

  • Do I require any special software for the course?

    No. The course will be hosted on Thinkific. No additional software is required.

  • What currency are payments charged in?

    All payments are charged in Australian Dollars and include GST for Australian Residents.

  • Copyright

    The course material is copyrighted and passing on or sharing the course material to another party is prohibited.